Welcome to PKMNLives' Carrd.
important info below

☞ I am an anarcho-communist.
☞ I am otherkin, and more specifically, I am a Glaceon.
☞ Pronouns: He/Him
☞ I am part of an autistic plural system.
☞ We're from the United States of America.
☞ We are white.
☞ We speak English.

Hey! I have news for you!

how to get blocked

Listen up, because doing any of the following things will get you blocked on my social medias.

  • Referring to us as human. I am a Glaceon, full stop, and my other headmates are also non-human.

  • Misgendering us. Those of us who do use social media (@[email protected] and @[email protected]) put our pronouns in our bios, so there is no good excuse for misgendering us.

  • Engaging in pluralphobia of any kind, including fakeclaiming. This is harmful to disabled and neurodivergent people, as it prevents people from understanding who we are.

  • Spewing any sort of bigotry. Sorry, but we will not tolerate bigotry on our social medias.

  • Promoting fascism. This should be obvious, but fascist regimes are deadly to all marginalized people.

  • Engaging in creepy bullshit, such as sexualizing minors or non-sapient creatures.

I also have to give a big "no thanks" to campist politics. I define campist politics as per Wiktionary's definition of "campists":campist - noun - (derogatory, politics, socialism, slang) A leftist who supports any country/organization simply for being opposed to the United States or the West, including far-right, authoritarian governments like those of Russia, Iran, or North Korea.Now that that's out of the way, there's good reason as to why I staunchly oppose politics that divides global politics into campist narratives. Campism infantilizes "non-Western" peoples and is an extremely Eurocentric framing of politics. The end results of campism are people who support obviously antisemitic terrorist organizations in the Middle East, people who support Leninist and Maoist dictatorships, and people who don't understand that socialism isn't when the state owns all the factories. Campism is the ideological basis for tankies, also known as red fascists, and therefore, campism is an automatic block, due to it being a fascist recruitment tool.Just because your favorite state or party calls itself "socialist" or "communist" does not make it so - Just look at the Nazi Party, whose official name, translated to English, was the "National Socialist German Workers' Party". Yeah, just because the party you support calls itself "Socialist" does not make it actually socialist.

my social media accounts


Feb 20, 2024

Tumblr has banned someone for making jokes about the CEO and reported them to law enforcement. I do not stand for swatting people. Therefore, I've deleted my Tumblr account.As to my current opinion on Tumblr CEO Matt Mullenveg: Please resign immediately. Not sure how neocities works either. I might transfer this Carrd to Neocities to enable more "News" posts in the future. Stay tuned.